Growing Up with JOEE

Joyful Opportunity English Education began five years ago in 2019 with the vision of teaching English to young children growing up in orphanages. Our target participant age group was two to eight years of age. Young children are already in an intensive language-learning stage of their lives, so acquiring a new language at an early age is a natural activity for them. Recently, however, older students have been requesting tutoring.


JOEE is bringing its free English classes to children in seven different orphanages in Japan with the hope that this opportunity will bolster their confidence in language learning and strengthen their ability to connect with responsible adults from a variety of cultures. Eventually, these qualities will help the youth from orphanages find fulfilling and sustainable work when they launch out on their own at age eighteen.


Although our main focus continues to be early years education, recently JOEE has been receiving more requests from older youth who reside in care facilities. Students from sixteen to eighteen years of age begin to think seriously about their future. They begin to plan for their lives outside of the care institution that has sheltered them. Many of these youth understand that being able to speak English greatly increases their opportunities for employment in Japan and around the world.


Photo taken by six-year old JOEE student in a Tokyo orphanage.


JOEE volunteers have begun teaching more one-on-one English tutoring classes with older teens who are looking ahead to their job prospects. Some of our students have gone on to college, even majoring in English. One student intends to become an English teacher in Japan, so he is working very hard and concentrating on accurate English-language pronunciation. We believe that all of these children deserve a bright and exciting future. We hope that you will help to support JOEE in any way that you can.


JOEE Volunteers Shine

Joyful Opportunity English Education continues to add teacher-volunteers to its ranks. We are very fortunate in having so many kind helpers who have a heart for ministering to the children in the protective care system in Japan. Currently, JOEE is operating with about 30 active volunteers. They come from all over the globe: Australia, Brazil, India, Israel, Norway, USA, Latvia, New Zealand, Serbia, and, of course, Japan.


These teachers craft their own unique and engaging lessons using the JOEE curriculum and template as a springboard. Their lessons involve singing, dancing, crafting, speaking and various language games. The variety of lessons taught is impressive.


During the month of June, JOEE taught 25 English-language lessons in various orphanages as well as online private lessons for at-risk children and youth. During July we will continue to teach classes until the summer break begins in many of the orphanages. Then the creative, active JOEE classes will resume once again at the end of August and in early September.


We are still looking for more orphanages that would like to welcome the free JOEE program into their facilities. Currently, JOEE gives classes in the following six care homes: St. Francisco Children’s Home, Kawasaki Aijien, Chofu Gakuen, Harukaen in Chiba, Yurikagoen in Odawara, and Wakamatsu Ryo in Nagoya. We have volunteers who are willing and able to offer free online one-on-one English language lessons to children who are currently in a care home or who have recently exited from a care home and are starting out their life on their own.

JOEEの無料プログラムを受け入れてくださる児童養護施設を現在も募集しています。現在、JOEEは以下の6つの児童養護施設で授業を行っています: 聖フランシスコ子供寮、川崎愛児園、調布学園、晴香園(千葉)、ゆりかご園(小田原)、若松寮(名古屋)です。現在児童養護施設に入所している子どもたちや、児童養護施設を退所して一人暮らしを始めたばかりの若者たちに、オンラインでマンツーマンの英会話レッスンを無料で提供してくれるボランティアがいます。

If you know of a children’s home that might welcome JOEE lessons, or if you would like to volunteer, please send us an email. Donations are always welcome as well. You can use the secure link to donate via Stripe. The button is located at the left. Thank you to many for your kind and generous support of JOEE.


Building Avenues of JOEE-ful Learning

Weaving compelling and enriching activities into JOEE lessons is one of the things that our volunteer teachers do best. In order to add interest and joy to their language classes, JOEE teachers get creative. They add lots of helpful visuals, plus yoga, art, acting, dancing and even incorporating building materials and potato chips into their weekly lessons.


Here are some examples of joyful JOEE-ful learning at the orphanages where we serve:


JOEE teacher, Cailee demonstrates the “Potato Chip Practice” — making the English “TH” sound, while tasting a chip is a delicious way to teach correct pronunciation. Japanese contains no “TH” sound, so this dental fricative digraph is a challenging sound for those with Japanese as their first language. “Say ‘thank-you’ three times; then eat the chip!” A yummy language-learning exercise!

JOEE教師のCaileeさんが「ポテトチップスの練習」を披露。英語の「TH」の音を出しながらポテトチップスを味わうのは、正しい発音を教えるおいしい方法です。日本語には “TH “の音がないので、日本語を母国語とする人にとって、この歯の摩擦音は難しい音なのです。”サンキュー”と3回言ってからポテチを食べると、おいしい言葉の練習になります!

This December, JOEE delivered gifts to St. Francisco Children’s Home and organized a party with fun treats and wonderful music. Thank you to members of Tokyo Union Church (a regular JOEE donor) for helping with the Christmas party! Every child in the care home was given a gift, thanks to the generous donations of families from Christian Academy in Japan who have provided gifts for the past three years and who are also great supporters of Joyful Opportunity English Education.


JOEE administrator, Hiroko, delivers gifts to St. Francisco Children’s Home after picking them up from Christian Academy in Japan.


For the lessons leading up to Christmas, at Harukaen in Chiba, another JOEE volunteer, Kristine, brought a beautiful Advent calendar to count down the days until Dec. 25th. This helped the children learn numbers and Christmas vocabulary in a beautiful, crafty and creative way.


And at the Harukaen Children’s Home, another creative JOEE teacher, Mounir, had the bright idea of having the children construct their own models of homes that they would one day like to live in. They used cardboard, wood scraps, glue and other found materials to make houses while they learned English vocabulary words like, “wall, roof, floor, door, table, chair, bed, window.” Here are some samples of their cool constructions:

また、晴香園では、もう一人のクリエイティブなJOEEの教師、モーニールさんが、子どもたちにいつか住みたい家の模型を作らせるという素晴らしいアイデアを思いつきました。段ボールや端材、接着剤など、ありあわせの材料を使って家を作りながら、”壁、屋根、床、ドア、テーブル、椅子、ベッド、窓 “といった英単語を学びました。その中からいくつか素敵な例をご紹介します:

Another Harukaen volunteer-teacher, Ray, who also teaches full-time at an international school, makes time to help at-risk children with well-planned English lessons that use bright visual helps to teach.


Many of our JOEE teachers use puppets to help teach English — lots of different animals with silly voices make learning English fun. The children also enjoy using puppets to practice their English vocabulary. Here are some teachers that help out at WakamatsuRyo in Nagoya with a few puppet friends:


A new year has begun as 2024 brings us into the “Year of the Dragon.” JOEE hopes to continue helping children to learn English, to meet friendly teachers from around the world, and to bring joy through weekly JOEE lessons. Thank you to many of you who donate to JOEE to help us continue our work. Blessings on your year!

2024年 “辰年 “を迎え、新しい年が始まりました。JOEEは、これからも子どもたちの英語学習を支援し、世界中から集まるフレンドリーな先生たちとの出会いづくりと毎週のJOEEレッスンを通して喜びを分かち合えることを願っています。JOEEの活動を続けるために寄付をしてくださる多くの皆様に感謝しています。みなさまの一年に祝福がありますように!

Still Hopping and Hoping

JOEE Keeps Hopping and Hoping — Sept. 2023 — JOEE Expands to Odawara!

JOEEの希望あふれる活動展開 – 2023年9月 – JOEEが小田原に進出!

The JOEE project launched in April of 2019 in Japan. Our JOEE Corporate Number is 4011205002314. We have been hopping along and providing fun and lively, puppet-enhanced English lessons to children in orphanages in Japan ever since! Your continuing support makes those lessons possible.


Our volunteer teachers reach children in six facilities across Japan. Now, in Odawara, JOEE teaches at Yurikagoen where master art teacher, Ula, has been creating memorable lessons for the children. All children deserve a hopeful and bright future. JOEE works to bring education and joy to children in Japan. 


We keep hopping and hoping to do more. As we grow and expand into new orphanages, our organization grows as well. We have welcomed another part-time administrator into JOEE and we are continuing to train new teachers and reach out to more orphanages. After a brief summer break, JOEE lessons are starting up once more and we hope to soon fill in some needed volunteer teacher spots at a couple of care facilities in Tokyo — Chofu Gakuen and St. Francisco Children’s Home.


Here is what caregivers observing JOEE lessons have to say:


“The English class is well-organized to have both quiet and active learning.”


“Even after returning to their rooms, there were children who wanted to use the words they learned.”


“The personality of Ruth, the theatrical expression, and the ability to observe, receive and return children’s reactions are very professional.”


“I noticed the children’s expressions. There was a desire to learn, and a desire to connect with people.”


JOEE’s administrators have worked hard to establish a new internationally-recognized bank account where larger donations can be accepted. For corporations who would like to donate directly, they can do so through our MUFG bank account. So far, we have two regular donors who contribute monthly through this website. We are very grateful to these generous souls. Hopefully, we will soon have some government and corporate sponsors to give us a boost! The new JOEE bank account information is listed below:


Swift Code: BOTKJPJT or BOTKJPJTXXX — From outside Japan

Swift Code: BOTKJPJT153 — From inside Japan


Account #: 153-0405809

JOEE Address: JOEE GIA, 1-11-13 Wakamiya Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan 165-0033


The tax deductible contribution upper limit here in Japan is: ¥100,000

You can also donate directly to the JOEE Japan Postal Account if you live in Japan:

Name: ジョーイー (JOEE)

JP Branch Kanji: 〇一八
JP Branch: #018
JP Account: #10100-89960791
Account Type: Ordinary (Fustuu)

[店名]〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ]

Here is what we hope for the future: To connect with more chiildren’s homes — To train new volunteer teachers from around the world — To find government and corporate funding and sponsorship — To be able to reimburse the travel expenses of our volunteer teachers and buy more teaching supplies.

私たちが将来に望むことは以下の通りである: より多くの児童養護施設とつながること — 世界中から新しいボランティア教師を養成すること — 政府や企業からの資金援助やスポンサーを見つけること — ボランティア教師の旅費を払い戻し、より多くの教材を購入できるようにすること。

Thank you very much for being a JOEE sponsor and helping to spread some joy in this world!


Creative and Captivating JOEE Classes

ChofuGakuen volunteer teacher, Sheila W., who has children enrolled in an international school in Tokyo and has worked as a teacher for many years, kindly donated many hours planning and teaching JOEE lessons to children ages two to six. She had some creative and captivating ideas for making English language classes engaging and fun. Take a look at some of her wonderful lesson plans:


Squishy Balloon Bees

“I was given a bee puppet to use for my first class at ChofuGakuen so I decided to go all in with a bee theme in my first week. I dressed in black and yellow and wore an antennae headband. I crafted a beehive out of a cardboard box, bubblewrap and pipecleaners. Then, I made bee squishies out of small yellow balloons filled with flour. They felt like stress balls and were easy to throw and catch. I read The Honeybee by Kristen Hall and then we paired up and made our squishy bees fly and dance. We were busy, buzzing bees!”

“調布学園での最初の授業で使うために蜂の人形をもらったので、最初の週は蜂をテーマにした授業にしました。黒と黄色の服を着て、触角のカチューシャをつけました。ダンボール箱とプチプチとパイプクリーナーで蜂の巣を作りました。そして、小麦粉を入れた小さな黄色い風船で、ハチのスクイーズを作りました。ストレスボールのような感触で、投げたり捕ったりするのが簡単でした。そして、Kristen Hallの「The Honeybee」を読んでから、2人1組になって、ふにゃふにゃの蜂を飛ばしたり踊らせたりしました。私たちは忙しくブンブン飛び回るミツバチになりました!”

Star Trumpeters

“The following week, we read the book A Parade of Elephants by Kevin Henkes. This book just begs for the students to become elephants and parade around the room to practice the prepositions of up, down, in, out, over, under.  To get into character, each child decorated a cardstock finger puppet to wear as we marched through obstacles we placed around the room. When the elephants in the book trumpet at the stars, we placed a small star sticker on the trunks (finger) of our little elephants and we made a chorus of our own trumpeting sounds.”

“翌週は、ケビン・ヘンクスの「A Parade of Elephants」という本を読みました。この本は、生徒たちが象になって部屋の中を練り歩き、前置詞のup, down, in, out, over, underを練習するのにぴったりな本なのです。象に成りすますために、生徒たちは一人一人、カード用紙で指人形を作り、それを着けて、部屋中に置かれた障害物をくぐり抜けました。本の中のゾウが星に向かって鼻をトランペットのように鳴らすとき、小さな星のシールを小さなゾウの体幹(指)に貼り、自分たちのトランペットの音で合唱しました。”

Ribbon Numbers

“The third week, we started off with a rubber duck scavenger hunt where students had to seek out an assigned number that was found on the bottom of each duck. Then, we read One Leaf Rides the Wind by Celeste Davidson Mannis. In this book, the character counts different objects in her Japanese garden. With each page, each child was tasked with ‘drawing’ the number using a piece of ribbon. It was a fun and rewarding challenge!” — Sheila W.

“3週目は、まずゴム製のアヒルの借り物競争で、それぞれのアヒルの底にある番号を探し出すことから始めました。そして、Celeste Davidson Mannisの「One Leaf Rides the Wind」を読みました。この絵本では、主人公が日本庭園にあるさまざまなものを数えるのですが、子どもたちは各ページにリボンを使って数字を「描く」ことに挑戦しました。楽しくて、やりがいのあるチャレンジでした!」。” シーラ・W 

Our volunteer JOEE teachers follow the basic structure of a pre-made curriculum that begins by teaching the first 100 words that an English-language-learner (ELL) might acquire within the first year of verbal fluency. The teachers can then change and enhance the lessons with their own resources. We are blessed with very creative teachers and are so thankful to have them on our team!


JOEE to and from the World!

Our volunteer teachers at JOEE come from many different countries – Australia, USA, India, Latvia, Jamaica, Norway, along with bi-lingual volunteers from Japan. They serve little kids that have been abused by their parents and are sheltering in care homes.

JOEEのボランティア教師は、オーストラリア、アメリカ、インド、ラトビア、ジャマイカ, ノルウェーなど、さまざまな国から集まっています。日本のバイリンガルボランティアと一緒に活動しています。親から虐待を受け、養護施設に保護されている小さな子どもたちを支援対象にしています。

We go to the homes with lively, music and puppet-enhanced English lessons that bring these children Joy, along with an educational boost in a world that is already stacked against them. Statistically, children who have grown up in care homes have higher rates of joblessness and suicide that youth with the advantage of supportive homes. JOEE is working to change that by giving these very important children a brighter future.


One of the most important lessons that these kids learn during JOEE lessons is that kind, trusted adults can come from a wide variety of nationalities and ethnic groups. Learning to embrace folks from other countries is a lesson best learned when young and then your world view is being formed. This world-embracing mindset can be a big advantage for them when they launch out into our multi-cultural world in search of jobs and healthy connections.


JOEE is always looking for generous donors — those who can contribute financially to support our programs and those who can give of their time and teaching skills. Our volunteers are vetted and must agree to a thorough background check in order to enter the care homes as a JOEE teacher. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the Founding Director at the following email address: ruth(at)

JOEEでは、プログラムを支援するために資金を提供してくださる方、時間や指導スキルを提供してくださる方など、寛大な寄付者を常に募集しています。JOEEのボランティアは、JOEEの教師として養護施設に出向く前に審査を受け、徹底的な身元調査を受けることに同意しなければなりません。ご興味のある方は、以下のメールアドレスまでご連絡ください: ruth(at)

WakamatsuRyo in Nagoya – Ruth and Ruthie

Moon Tunes, a Magical Bunny and Fundraising -月の歌、魔法のウサギ、募金

On October 15, Mehhgumi the Sheep made her singing debut in Tokyo at a fundraiser for a nonprofit benefitting kids in care homes. Mehhgumi, (who is also known as “Baaa-bara”), with a bit of help from me, sang the Sesame Street classic, created by Jeff Moss, “I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon.” Have a listen:

10月15日、羊のめ~ぐみは、養護施設の子供たちを応援する非営利団体の東京での募金イベントで歌手としてデビューしました。め~ぐみ(「バ~バラ」とも呼ばれる)は、私の助けを借りて、ジェフ・モスが作成したセサミストリートの名曲「I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon」を歌いました。聞いてください:

I Don’t Want to Live on the Moon

Jones, that old hound dog, had begged with his big, old puppy eyes, to be taken along to the fundraising event. He was thrilled when Elvis showed up and belted out the “Hound Dog” song. Jones danced and howled along with the music, gracing us all with doggy breath and delirious drool.


Elvis with One Happy Hound Dog

We had a marvelous time, crooning tunes and dancing like loons. I did my best to help by singing and playing the harmonica along with the John Denver classic, “Take Me Home Country Roads.” Towards the end of the evening, something very mysterious and magical happened.


For several weeks, I had been planning trips to Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka on behalf of JOEE. I would be preaching at a couple of churches and visiting orphanages with my puppets. One event that I was looking forward to attending was a birthday party for a little girl in Kobe. The theme of the party was rabbits. Did I have a large rabbit puppet that I could bring to the party to perform with? No, I did not. I had lions, cats, sheep, frogs, even an elephant. But no large rabbits. So, I was thinking hard about rabbits that night. I was wishing for a rabbit puppet. Guess what happened?


While taking a break from singing up on stage, a woman approached me and, out of the blue, asked me, “Would you like to have a rabbit puppet?” My jaw dropped in surprise. “Yes! I would love to have a rabbit puppet!” I wondered how in the world did this woman, (whom I had never met before), know that I needed a rabbit puppet. “Wait here — I’ll be back soon.” She returned with a beautiful puppet that had sat in her house, unused, for forty years. “I would be happy if you could use this puppet with JOEE.”

ステージで歌い終わって休んでいる時、ある女性が私に近づき、突然「ウサギの人形は要りませんか?」と尋ねました。びっくりして顎が外れるかと思いました。「はい!ウサギの人形が欲しいです!」 一体どうやって、今まで会ったことのないこの女性が、ウサギの人形を私が必要としていることを知っているのか不思議に思いました。「ちょっと待ってください、すぐに戻ってきます」と言って彼女は40年間未使用のまま家に置いていた美しい人形を持って来てくれました。「この人形をJOEEで使ってもらえれば嬉しいです。」

My “Thought Rabbit”

I accepted the new JOEE puppet with joy and brought it back with me to my home in Nagano. I call it my “Thought Rabbit.” And because “thought” is “kanga-e” in Japanese and because JOEE or “joey” means baby kangaroo, maybe I can call it “Kangae-roo.” It was a thought in my head and then it magically appeared and jumped into my arms.

私はJOEEの新しい人形を喜んで受け取り、長野の自宅に持ち帰りました。それを「思えるウサギ」(Thought Rabbit)と呼んでいます。そして、「thought」は日本語で「かんがえ」、JOEEまたは「joey」は赤ちゃんカンガルーを意味するので、それを「カンガエルー」とでも呼ぼうかと思いました。頭の中で考えていたことが、魔法のように現れて、私の懐に飛び込んできたのです。


We hope that good and magical things continue to happen through JOEE and that our supporters will share in our joy at helping others. Please help us reach our goal of raising $50,000 within the next couple of years by donating at the link below. This is our new Global Giving fundraiser, “JOEE to Japan!” Can you help us reach our giving goal? Here’s the link or you can click on the “Global Giving link below:

私たちは、JOEEを通じて魔法のような良いことが起こり続け、サポーターの皆様が人を助ける喜びを私たちと分かち合ってくださることを願っています。以下のリンクで寄付して、今後2年以内に50,000ドル集めるという目標を達成するのを手伝ってください。これは私たちの新しいGlobalGiving募金「JOEE to Japan!」です。募金目標を達成するのを手伝ってくれませんか?このリンクか、以下の「GlobalGiving」リンクをクリックしてください。

JOEE for Ukraine!! ウクライナのためのJOEE!!

For those of you who would like to listen in on a JOEE lesson for children in Ukraine, here’s your chance. This month, in January, 2023, please join us at 8pm, Japan Standard Time, on Monday, Jan. 16, 23 and 30 for a fun, puppet-assisted online get-together. For adults joining, please keep your video and audio muted to let more children participate. This link will go live at 8pm on those three Mondays, Japan time, which is 1pm in Ukraine. You will need the passcode to enter the session:


Passcode: rz5kz5

Things Are Hopping with JOEE at Chofugakuen

Wonderful things are happening at Chofugakuen, a newly renovated children’s care facility in Chofu, located in the western part of Tokyo.


JOEE lessons started out here in November of 2021 with trained JOEE teachers bringing music and games to the children while teaching English.


Our first teachers were Annie and Lilian, followed by our most recent teacher, Tomoko who has now taught here since April of 2022. She has been assisted by our administrator, Hiroko, along with regular helpers, Jorge and Yushi and a special guest teacher, Chiyuki.


Tomoko has carefully-planned lessons every week that build on the previous week’s material. Her lessons incorporate games, singing, action, books and puppets to keep the children engaged and excited. The children at Chofu Gakuen love JOEE time!

Tomoko先生は毎週、前の週の内容に基づいて丁寧に計画されたレッスンを行っています。 彼女のレッスンには、ゲーム、歌、アクション、本、パペットが組み込まれており、子供たちの心をひきつけ、ワクワク感を高めています。 調布学園の子どもたちはJOEEの時間が大好き!

Our JOEE teachers usually teach once a week at a children’s home on a regular schedule. When a regular teacher is unable to attend, other JOEE teachers may step in to substitute for that lesson. Our substitute teachers love meeting new children and enjoying the energy and enthusiasm that they bring to class time.


JOEE is active in several children’s homes in Tokyo including Chiba, one in Nagoya and one in Kobe. We are actively looking for more homes that would welcome free English lessons and we continue to train teacher volunteers. Contact us if you would like to help:

JOEEは、千葉を含む首都圏のいくつかの児童養護施設、名古屋の1施設、神戸の1施設で活動しています。無料の英語レッスンを受け入れてくれる施設をさらに積極的に探し、講師ボランティアの育成を続けています。ご協力いただける方は、 までご連絡ください。

Please donate by clicking on the “DONATE TO JOEE” button in the JOEE website:

JOEEのウェブサイトの「DONATE TO JOEE」ボタンをクリックして寄付してください:

Thank you for your support! ご支援いただきありがとうございます!

Taking a “Break,” but Still Working!

Many of you have heard about my unfortunate accident towards the end of the second day of the 500 km KIWL fundraising ride across Japan. Up until the accident, I was having a grand time, getting lots of exercise and taking in amazing sights.

After the hardest bit of climbing, we rolled into a small town and I stopped at a light, unclipped my right foot, put it down on the ground… then inexplicably fell towards the left where my other foot was still clipped in. Apparently, President Joe Biden had a similar tumble recently but was able to roll with it and brush it off. I was not as fortunate or as graceful. I broke the radius and ulna in my left arm.

My Apple Watch detected a fall and promptly called emergency services in Japan.

“Daijoubu desu ka?” said my wrist with concern. “Nope; not okay. Please send an ambulance!” was the reply from my cycling buddies. My wrist was sporting a new and strange looking angle. Breakage was obvious. Off to the hospital we went in my third ambulance ride ever. (Ambulance rides are free in Japan… in the States they cost about a thousand dollars — talk about adding insult to injury!)

I was in too much pain to cry so I yelled instead. I used my outdoor voice. No one told me to settle down and be quiet. They knew there was more pain to come. Bone-setting is no walk the park. The nurse had to pull on my arm in one direction while the doctor pulled in the other direction. They wore lead aprons and viewed the bone through an x-ray machine while they set it. My job was to yell and hang onto the nurse’s arm. I think I might have bruised her. “You’re a strong woman,” she said afterwards.

Below: Broken bone Above: Bone set and encased in cast
Back home with cast — cut is to allow swelling

Apologies to the nurse. I did entertain her afterwards with a short puppet show featuring a concerned Mehhhgumi. She recorded the skit with her phone. Maybe it will show up on the internet later. Here’s a recording from today, getting ready for surgery:

Sheep Smuggled into the Hospital – No Visitors Allowed

Sunday, June 19th: Now I’m in the hospital awaiting surgery. A hand specialist will put in a couple of titanium plates to stabilize the bones and speed the healing process. In the meantime, I have continued to work thanks to effective pain pills. Here’s a CT scan of the bone – they’re very thorough here:

CT scan of left radius and ulna

After the Break, Work Continued: On Sunday, June 12, I joined the KIWL cycling team for the final ceremony where we met some of the children for whom we were cycling and raising money. They were happy to meet a friendly pig and a sweet sheep. The children and their care home received a pile of new outdoor sports equipment. Then they cycled away on their own bikes as we waved goodbye.

Yukking it up with the help of painkillers

On Thursday, June 16, I was able to teach three classes at Green Hills School with the help of my son, Alec, who is visiting us from the States. He held each grade level in rapt attention as he described the different kinds of “bugs,” a generalized term for insects, spiders, arthropods and even gastropods.

Gastropods – boneless stomach-foot critters

Friday night, we collaborated during the 7pm online class for the children at Harukaen in Chiba. Alec was my “left-hand-man.” By using a wide variety of puppets, we had the kids identify which ones had bones and which ones did not. (They learned that sharks do not have bones, but instead have cartilage.) My most recent classes have incorporated information about bones helped by photos of my ride and my x-rays. Misfortune had might as well be instructive!

On Saturday, I met with the three students that I tutor and we had more lessons about biking and bones. This coming week, I may have to take a few days off to heal.

Thank you, everyone for your prayers and good wishes for a successful surgery and fast healing. If you still want to donate to a good cause, scroll down, use the link below and mention JOEE in the memo. Detailed instructions can be found in the previous JOEE post.
Knights in White Lycra Raising Funds for Orphanage Programs in Japan
Click and Donate!

500 Km Across Japan – Cycling with KIWL

KIWL Sponsor Jersey

FUNDRAISING RIDE: Tomorrow at 7am sharp, off I go — SHUPPATSU — on a 500 kilometer fundraising ride with the Knights in White Lycra. Will I survive? I hope so… after over 1,600 kilometers of training rides and having climbed over 24,000 meters of mountains, I think I’m ready. I am part of a group of 38 cyclists pedaling from Tokyo to a children’s care facility in Kanazawa from June 9 to 12. Please consider sponsoring me! Here is the link to the fundraiser with instructions below for making sure that your sponsorship is attributed to JOEE:

KIWL 2022 Fundraising Ride

Step 1: Click on link above ( ) and find the following screen shown below.

Enter your donation amount and click on “Donate in honor”
Choose “KIWL 2022 Events”

Step 2: Choose “No Card.” (This will allow you to dedicate your donation to JOEE.)

Choose “No Card”

Step 3: Fill in the details: “From,” “In Honor Of,” and “Message.” (Screenshot sample below….)

Fill in your details!

Step 4: Complete your donation and then share the information with a friend!

TRAINING: I have been training for this event for a couple of months while continuing to teach JOEE classes online and communicating with our JOEE teachers in Tokyo, Kobe and Nagoya. Hopefully, the ride will help to raise awareness of the struggles that many children face while raising funds to continue programs to educate and empower these youth. Here are some photos showing the training process which took place in the hilly terrain of Nagano where I currently live and work teaching and farming.

Motivation: Why am I doing this? To raise funds for two organizations that help valuable but neglected children reach their full potential and be able to lead happy and fulfilling lives. JOEE and YouMeWe are committed to helping kids who are growing up in orphanages and care homes in Japan where about 60,000 children are in need of protection and help. Many have been removed from their homes for their own health and protection. A few are in foster care programs but the vast majority are in larger institutions and group homes. Adoption rates in Japan are abysmally low and most of the children that enter the care system remain there for the rest of their childhood. These children deserve a bright future. Japan needs healthy and happy children and youth to thrive and live in this beautiful country.

Please Help: I hope that you will consider donating to JOEE, sharing our vision and even volunteering as a teacher or helper to make a positive difference in the lives of children in Japan. Email me for more details: . In Japanese email: . Thank you for caring!