Why do we do what we do? For the international JOEE volunteers, our best reward is seeing the happy faces of the children as they play, dance and sing while learning English. Being able to speak English and to connect with people from many different cultures are important skills that will help them in the future and they grow up and seek out jobs in Japanese society.

It has been almost six years since JOEE began teaching English lessons in orphanages in Japan. Our volunteer teachers have collected many meaningful and heart-warming memories connecting with eager children and watching them learn and grow. Volunteering is its own reward, of course, but recently JOEE was presented with a recognition award at an event in downtown Tokyo called, “Mochi-Fes.”
JOEEが日本の児童養護施設で英語のレッスンを始めてから、もうすぐ6年になります。JOEEのボランティア教師たちは、熱心な子どもたちとつながり、子どもたちが学び成長していく姿を見守りながら、多くの有意義で心温まる思い出を積み重ねてきました。もちろんボランティア活動はそれ自体とても報われることですが、最近、JOEEは東京の繁華街で開催された 「もちフェス 」というイベントで表彰もされました。
“Mochi-Fes” is an annual event sponsored by the Japan Child Foundation. This year, we were invited to participate and to set up a booth to distribute pamphlets and inform the public about our work. A group of energetic JOEE volunteers met up at the Shibuya Line Building on February 6th, ready to spread “JOEE to the world.”

We gave out light blue bracelets printed with the JOEE.jp website and our kangaroo logo (joey means baby kangaroo), which was designed by author-illustrator, Satoshi Kitamura. Over 300 people of all ages stopped by our booth. Many of them met Mehhhgumi the Sheep and stayed to hear about the work that we do with kids growing up in protective care homes.
JOEE.jpのウェブサイトと、イラストレーターの きたむらさとしさんがデザインしたカンガルーのロゴ(joeyはカンガルーの赤ちゃん)をプリントした水色のブレスレットを配布。300人以上の老若男女がブースに立ち寄り、その多くが、ひつじのメ~グミに会い、私たちが保護施設で育つ子供たちと行っている活動について話を聞いてくれました。
Later, during a concert and program highlighting the ten different organizations that make a positive difference in the lives of children in orphanages, JOEE, along with other NPOs, was called to the stage to accept a framed award along with a golden soccer ball signed by a famous soccer player, Nahomi Kawasumi.

The best thing about this event was that many people who had never known that there were so many orphanages in Japan, now knew of their existence. Many who did not know about the thousands of children in protective care homes, now knew that these children are there and in need of help and support. Knowing that a problem exists is the first step in finding a solution.
JOEE volunteers give of their time and share their hearts with children who have ended up in orphanages, not through any fault of their own. They are removed from hurtful and neglectful circumstances and placed in a care home where they receive food and clothing and nurturing care until they are 18 years old… and then they are on their own. The kind-hearted souls who help out with JOEE lessons know that the greatest reward is having the privilege to be with these children who deserve a bright future. The best reward is being able to share love.