JOEE Keeps Hopping and Hoping — Sept. 2023 — JOEE Expands to Odawara!
JOEEの希望あふれる活動展開 – 2023年9月 – JOEEが小田原に進出!

The JOEE project launched in April of 2019 in Japan. Our JOEE Corporate Number is 4011205002314. We have been hopping along and providing fun and lively, puppet-enhanced English lessons to children in orphanages in Japan ever since! Your continuing support makes those lessons possible.
Our volunteer teachers reach children in six facilities across Japan. Now, in Odawara, JOEE teaches at Yurikagoen where master art teacher, Ula, has been creating memorable lessons for the children. All children deserve a hopeful and bright future. JOEE works to bring education and joy to children in Japan.
We keep hopping and hoping to do more. As we grow and expand into new orphanages, our organization grows as well. We have welcomed another part-time administrator into JOEE and we are continuing to train new teachers and reach out to more orphanages. After a brief summer break, JOEE lessons are starting up once more and we hope to soon fill in some needed volunteer teacher spots at a couple of care facilities in Tokyo — Chofu Gakuen and St. Francisco Children’s Home.

Here is what caregivers observing JOEE lessons have to say:
“The English class is well-organized to have both quiet and active learning.”
“Even after returning to their rooms, there were children who wanted to use the words they learned.”
“The personality of Ruth, the theatrical expression, and the ability to observe, receive and return children’s reactions are very professional.”
“I noticed the children’s expressions. There was a desire to learn, and a desire to connect with people.”

JOEE’s administrators have worked hard to establish a new internationally-recognized bank account where larger donations can be accepted. For corporations who would like to donate directly, they can do so through our MUFG bank account. So far, we have two regular donors who contribute monthly through this website. We are very grateful to these generous souls. Hopefully, we will soon have some government and corporate sponsors to give us a boost! The new JOEE bank account information is listed below:
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT or BOTKJPJTXXX — From outside Japan
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT153 — From inside Japan
Account #: 153-0405809
JOEE Address: JOEE GIA, 1-11-13 Wakamiya Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan 165-0033
The tax deductible contribution upper limit here in Japan is: ¥100,000
You can also donate directly to the JOEE Japan Postal Account if you live in Japan:
Name: ジョーイー (JOEE)
JP Branch Kanji: 〇一八
JP Branch: #018
JP Account: #10100-89960791
Account Type: Ordinary (Fustuu)
[店名]〇一八(読み ゼロイチハチ]
Here is what we hope for the future: To connect with more chiildren’s homes — To train new volunteer teachers from around the world — To find government and corporate funding and sponsorship — To be able to reimburse the travel expenses of our volunteer teachers and buy more teaching supplies.
私たちが将来に望むことは以下の通りである: より多くの児童養護施設とつながること — 世界中から新しいボランティア教師を養成すること — 政府や企業からの資金援助やスポンサーを見つけること — ボランティア教師の旅費を払い戻し、より多くの教材を購入できるようにすること。
Thank you very much for being a JOEE sponsor and helping to spread some joy in this world!