JOEE volunteers have begun teaching immersive English lessons to children aged four to seven at a children’s home in Mitaka called Choyo Gakuen. Six children are delighted to meet puppets, hear stories and play games that teach a beginning set of English vocabulary.
Our lesson on January 10 was the second time we had met with students there. They seemed very happy to participate in every part of the lesson.
A college-aged volunteer joined our regular teaching staff, and she was a big hit with the kids.When a couple of the children became hyperactive and needed a little calming down, she paid special attention to them and they were soon ready to listen and join in once again.

子どもたちは、実際にパペットで演じた絵本の読み聞かせを最も楽しんでいるようでした。モ・ウィレムス著作の”Can I Play Too,”というお話の最後には、『ヘビさんの投げっこ』という場面があり*、子どもたちと実際にパペットを使って一緒に投げっこ遊びをしました。
The children especially enjoyed story time that was enhanced by puppets acting out some of the parts. They got to play “Toss-the-Snake” at the end of the Mo Willems’ story, “Can I Play Too,” where Elephant and Piggy try to figure out how to include a new friend, Snake, in their game of catch.
英語レッスンが終わる頃になると、子どもたちは『ボール/ball』『投げる/throw』『捕る/catch』のような英単語を覚えていました。レッスンの最後には、子どもたちが「ボールを下さい(Ball please!)」と英語で言うことによって、ボールの形をしたおやつをもらうアクティビティを行いました。私たちスタッフも、子どもたちと同様にレッスンをとても楽しみました。次回のレッスンが楽しみです。
By the end of the English lesson, the children had learned words like “ball,” “throw,” and “catch.” The very last activity was to have the children ask for a ball-shaped treat by politely saying, “Ball please!” The response was, “Yes!” and they got to eat their round snacks. We had as much fun as the kids and we look forward to our next teaching session.