Our volunteer teachers at JOEE come from many different countries – Australia, USA, India, Latvia, Jamaica, Norway, along with bi-lingual volunteers from Japan. They serve little kids that have been abused by their parents and are sheltering in care homes.
JOEEのボランティア教師は、オーストラリア、アメリカ、インド、ラトビア、ジャマイカ, ノルウェーなど、さまざまな国から集まっています。日本のバイリンガルボランティアと一緒に活動しています。親から虐待を受け、養護施設に保護されている小さな子どもたちを支援対象にしています。

We go to the homes with lively, music and puppet-enhanced English lessons that bring these children Joy, along with an educational boost in a world that is already stacked against them. Statistically, children who have grown up in care homes have higher rates of joblessness and suicide that youth with the advantage of supportive homes. JOEE is working to change that by giving these very important children a brighter future.

One of the most important lessons that these kids learn during JOEE lessons is that kind, trusted adults can come from a wide variety of nationalities and ethnic groups. Learning to embrace folks from other countries is a lesson best learned when young and then your world view is being formed. This world-embracing mindset can be a big advantage for them when they launch out into our multi-cultural world in search of jobs and healthy connections.

JOEE is always looking for generous donors — those who can contribute financially to support our programs and those who can give of their time and teaching skills. Our volunteers are vetted and must agree to a thorough background check in order to enter the care homes as a JOEE teacher. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the Founding Director at the following email address: ruth(at)joee.jp
JOEEでは、プログラムを支援するために資金を提供してくださる方、時間や指導スキルを提供してくださる方など、寛大な寄付者を常に募集しています。JOEEのボランティアは、JOEEの教師として養護施設に出向く前に審査を受け、徹底的な身元調査を受けることに同意しなければなりません。ご興味のある方は、以下のメールアドレスまでご連絡ください: ruth(at)joee.jp