
On October 14, 2018, an intrepid band of JOEE supporters met together at the cafeteria of the International Christian University (ICU) in Mitaka to begin the adventure of creating a non-profit organization called JOEE or the Japan Orphan English Education initiative.We discussed structure, methodology, mission statement, timeline and took a look at the various skills that our group of volunteers brought with them. We plotted a course and then hopped to it.


We will be meeting for a second time on November 11, In the space of less than a month, we have made good progress in registering JOEE as a non-profit foundation, opened a bank account on behalf of JOEE, and visited a couple of places where we would like to share the JOEE experience.

The first lesson will take place at a Mitaka orphanage on November 29 and four of our JOEE members will be there to help out.


This web address,, has been secured and we will continue to develop and add to the website.


One of our next big hurdles includes the raising of funds to make JOEE a sustainable venture.


Thank you to everyone who has helped us to make such quick progress towards our goals! You make me want to jump for JOEE!


One thought on “JOEEが始動!”

  1. May I have the e mail address of Ruth? I am from the ILBS & Mrs. Starace
    kindly asked her to be our guest speaker at the Italian Embassy on March 3rd.

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