What are some ways to “Get Fit and Give Back?” The upcoming KIWL Palace Walk is one way that you and a group of your friends or colleagues can get some fresh air and exercise while raising money for a worthy cause. Sign up for the Imperial Palace Walk/Jog that takes place on April 22nd and 23rd near the Sakuradamon Station exit. More details provided when you complete the registration. ¥5,000 (or $50 donation for adults) gets you an exclusive T-shirt. The minimum for students is less.

KIWL Palace Walk Sign-Up Process:
1. Go to the KIWL page on the website relating to the Walk. https://www.kiwl.net/events/imperial-palace-walk–jog
2. Click on “register here.” (Note: Begin at the link above in order to get your t-shirt.)
3. At the bottom of the registration page, there is a link to make the donation. https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/kiwl-2022-events/
4. When that page opens up, click on “DONATE NOW” button.
5. After entering “full name” and “email,” there is a button underneath and to the right — ‘Donate in honor’ which should be clicked on.

The following screen will appear:

6. Click on ‘no card’ and there you can add “JOEE” under the words, “In Honor Of” when donating. (See example below.)

That’s it! You’re done. Have a lovely walk or run around the palace grounds on a beautiful day in late April. May your steps lead you to many more paths of caring and compassion as you “Get Fit & Give Back.” Blessings on your journey.
Note: If you would like to make a direct donation to JOEE with no running around involved, you can click on the DONATE button to the left on this JOEE webpage.
Sounds like the perfect way to spend an April day in Tokyo!!!