A warm and heartfelt THANK YOU to Julie Fukuda, master quilter, who donated this amazing hand-stitched quilt to JOEE this month. Wow! We are so grateful and we have so many plans for using this wonderful quilt during our lessons once they start up again.
This quilt is an “I Spy” quilt, bursting with beautiful fabrics showing lots of objects that can be found and named. The quilt calls to mind the traditional game of observation. “I spy with my little eye… ” This quilt will be perfect for teaching English words to young children. “Where is a cat? There it is! Find an owl. Yes, you found it! Can you find the kangaroos? There they are on each of the corners!”
Sewn into the back of the quilt is a little pocket containing two bean bags for use in more creative games. I can’t wait to use this colorful language learning tool. The JOEE kids at the orphanages are going to LOVE it!
I think you should write the”I Spy” story to go with the quilt and let the puppets do the searching. Can’t wait to hear that!
Thanks, Martha. This is a good idea. I will try creating a simple story that the kids can follow as they find the objects on the quilt that go with the story.
Hi Martha! I just re-read your comment. I will try to do this in realtime with the kids at the orphanage this Friday. It will be fun to see what they discover and can name in English.