On May 25, at the invitation of the alternative school, the Mitaka “Free School,” JOEE arrived at their facility across from the Ghibli Museum. This school helps to educate students who have trouble learning in traditional Japanese classrooms. The people of JOEE arrived on a Saturday morning to give a two-hour lesson to the children of the school’s staff.
5月25日に三鷹市のジブリ美術館の向かい側にある施設『文化学習協同ネットワーク』のフリースクールにおいて、JOEEがデモンストレーションレッスンを行いました。この学校は、様々な理由により不登校になった子どもたちのために設立されており、勉強支援の為だけの施設ではなく、子どもたちが安心して過ごせる居場所になっています。 JOEEスタッフは土曜日の朝、フリースクールの職員の子どもたちに2時間のお試し授業を行いました。
The lesson began with a puppet-assisted reading of “A Ball for Daisy,” a Caldecott-Award-Winning wordless picture book by Chris Raschka.
著者:Chris Raschkaの字のない絵本「A Ball for Daisy」のパペットでの読み聞かせからレッスンが始まりました。
This book is particularly effective in helping to teach the word ball. The students empathize with the little shaggy dog who loves his red ball so very much and is heartbroken when the ball pops. His sorrow turns to joy when he receives a new blue ball.
Because we had a full two hours with the children, and because we had parents available to help, we were able to add an art project to our lesson. The kids had fun creating colorful finger-painted balls that turned out beautifully!
We met with the parents after the lesson to get their feedback. They had very positive comments. They encouraged us to offer some JOEE lessons to local families in the fall. We would love to come back to this vibrant neighborhood to teach more children!